Answers to frequently asked questions.

Is Conforma free?

Yes! Conforma is open-source, and doesn't come with licence fees.

Half of the Conforma code is available from the Conforma server repository and the other half from the Conforma front-end repository.

Optionally, you can ask us to help you set it up (we would love to!) if you are interested in using Conforma.

Reach out to us at support@conforma.nz.

What are the benefits of Conforma being open-source?

Apart from being licence free, and highly accessible, being open-source means that as Conforma continues to grow and develop, all of our users will benefit from any additional features.

Can Conforma be integrated with other software?

Yes. Conforma has intentionally been designed so that it can be integrated with other software.

This includes planned integrations with our other suite of mSupply Foundation software.

Do you offer support?

The mSupply Foundation provides different levels of support for Conforma users, depending on their needs.

We can provide support for set-up, hosting, maintenance, on-going support, and training.

Is my data secure?

Whether deployed locally or remotely, Conforma is secure.

Conforma uses a postgreSQL database to store data. The database is only accessible via a secure HTTPS connection through Conforma. Users require password credentials to access Conforma and passwords are encrypted via bcrypt (the encryption mechanism recommended by the OWASP Foundation).

Additionally, the database uses row level policies to restrict user access to only data to which they are specifically permitted to access.

Can I have a demo of Conforma?

A demo version of Conforma is available for you or your team to test, complete with walk-through tutorials. Please see the Demo section.

If you would like to learn more about Conforma or are interested in using the system, please reach out to our team at The mSupply Foundation: support@conforma.nz